High Blood Sugar May Affect Memory

A recent article from USA Today suggests that people with Type 2 Diabetes have a harder time performing memory tasks. The study was able to find a correlation between chronic high glucose levels and poor memory in the participants, among which the mean age was 63 (but remember that correlation does not always imply causation – this is just one study that has been done). It was also found that higher glucose levels had reduced volumes of their hippocampus (the part of the brain heavily involved in memory) compared to the participants with normal glucose levels. In general, high levels of glucose have a negative impact on the brain if not regulated properly. People with Type 2 diabetes are also at a higher risk of dementia, another cognitive defect. If someone has diabetes, it is important for them to improve their body’s usage of insulin to keep their glucose levels under control; this can be done through exercise and physical activity.


Article: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/23/blood-sugar-memory-loss-dementia/3146287/

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One Response to High Blood Sugar May Affect Memory

  1. Karen says:

    Interesting because I learned that when you’re stressed, you produce cortisol and prolonged cortisol exposure will increase blood sugar and you will experience memory loss. In addition, diabetes is a stress related disease.

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