A new discovery of the common cause of all forms of ALS

Researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have discovered a common cause of all forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS and Lou Gehrig’s disease). ALS is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive loss of muscle strength leading to paralysis rendering the patient unable to move, speak, swallow and breathe.

These Feinberg scientists have concluded that the basis of ALS is a broken down protein recycling system in the neurons of the spinal cord and the brain, which compromises optimal functioning of these neurons, rendering them incapable of repair and maintenance. This breakdown of proteins has been found to be necessary in all three forms of ALS: hereditary (“familial”), not hereditary (“sporadic”), and ALS that targets the brain (“ALS/dementia”).

ALS affects approximately 350,000 adults and children worldwide, with 50 percent of cases fatal within three years of its onset. While scientists have been unable to develop effective therapies thus far, the discovery of a common cause has allowed for testing of drugs that would regulate this protein-recycling pathway, repairing it so that it returns to its normal state.

It has been hypothesized that the breakdown in protein recycling may also have a wider role in other neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease as well as Parkinson’s disease.


Source: http://neurosciencenews.com/als-research-discovery-lou-gehrigs-disease-common-cause-found/

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Faces of Mental Illness 2012

In honour of Mental Illness Awareness Week 2012, the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) has selected five individuals in this year’s Faces of Mental Illness campaign. These people have their own unique story to share on how mental illness have affected their lives and they set a great example to the community by increasing dialogue on mental health-related issues.

To learn more about these individuals, check out the link here or watch their videos (see more).

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Just another “Manic” Monday…..

It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has launched the Defeat Denial Campaign in attempts to open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness. They created this video to draw attention to the ways that many of our day-to-day phrases trivialize mental illness. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPw0oeRSdeQ[/youtube]

Sources at CAMH claim that 2 in 3 people with mental mental illness suffer in silence. The campaign wants to encourage Canadians to be more aware of cultural and media influences on our perceptions of mental illness. Throughout the week we should try to be extra critical of slang, “news” stories and song lyrics that perpetuate stigmas and steal the voices of those who are dealing with mental illness.

Happy studying MHAC! I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and best of luck on your upcoming midterms!

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Welcome, Tissa and Kino!

We have two new members on the UBC MHAC Mental Health Correspondent Team, Tissa and Kino! To read more about them, visit the link here.

Be sure to check the News section to view their weekly updates from the world of mental health!

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Heads up, MHAC!

The American Psychological Association (APA) launched a new initiative today that emphasizes the importance and efficacy of psychotherapy as treatment for depression, stress and anxiety. Drug therapy has become an increasing popular choice over the past decade, but they want inform people seeking help that they have a choice when getting treatment; psychotherapy is one of those choices! Their homepage is loaded with facts and myths, stats and other resources.

They also included this fantastic video; have a watch: [youtube]http://youtu.be/CvcOivVzCaI[/youtube]

UBC students have access to these kinds of practices through counselling services in Brock Hall. Initial appointments are FREE and drop in, check out the hours and what to expect here.


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