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Welcome, Execs 2012/13!
We’d like to congratulate everyone who ran in the Elections this year. The following are the results, organized by the President, Kevin, and overseen by Michelle, our Project Assistant:
- President: Jeff Chua
- Vice-President, Events: Alborz Massah
- Events Coordinators: Bailey Komishke, Krista Soo
- Vice President, External: Canice Ma
- Communications Coordinator: Josh Sorokin
- Treasurer: Kevin Ly
- Fundraiser: Annie Liang
- Secretary: Chris Pang
Again, congratulations! We will all be working to fulfill our goals for the new school year.
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We wish all of our Candidates the best of luck! Election results will be published at the end of this week on March 9th, 2012! Until then, don’t forget to place your vote (see your emails for more information).
We have extended our Nominations deadline to March 5th, 2012!
Note: We recently sent an email out saying our deadline was March 2nd. Please excuse the error – the correct date is March 5th, 2012.
2012/13 elections are kicking off!
Ever wanted to get involved with MHAC? Want to build your experiences? Interested in our causes and have ideas of your own? We are currently seeking executives for our team in 2012/13!
There are 9 positions in total on the board; to see what each position does, there are descriptions and titles on THIS page! (Positions)
Once you’ve figured out which Position, you’d like to run for, fill out a Nomination Form here! (Nomination Form)
As we receive your nominations, we’ll place your names up on the Candidates page (Candidates). After the 27th, we’ll make sure your descriptions & paragraphs are placed up.
Make sure your send in your nominations by February 27th!!! We want to see you get involved!
For a general idea of how elections work, see HERE.
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