Dr. Fleming’s Talk – Audio!

Missed out on last Wednesday’s discussion with Dr. Fleming?
Fear not!  We have the audio clip of the discussion right here!


The audio clip is about an hour long, and was invigorating and incredibly educational!
Make sure you join us next month for our next installment of our Speaker Series!

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February Speaker Series

MHAC have been busy recruiting professionals who work with individuals with a mental illness or consumers to provide an educational discussion for our members. We invite you to come to the monthly educational session and potluck on February 2nd at 4:15 pm and learn about different topics related to mental health and wellness.

Our guest speaker for our February session is Dr. Fleming.Anxiety is a mental health concern common among university students. Dr. Fleming will be sharing with the audience: different psychological theories on anxiety, bio-psychosocial perspective on causes of anxiety (including basic psychopharmacology of anxiety), common signs and symptoms and manifestations of anxiety, commonly adopted interventions, tips on illness prevention strategies and significance of inter-professional collaborations.

The event will begin at 4:15 pm in Lab 1&2 / Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; the 3rd floor of the UBC Hospital. There will be signs once you get to third floor using the elevators close by to Student Health Services on the main floor. As the session will be beginning at 4:15 pm, we will have the pot-luck after the discussion. MHAC will provide drinks, but please bring a pot luck item if you would like to participate in the pot luck. Come and join us even if you have to come in a bit late.

To learn more about Dr. Fleming, read the full post.

Continue reading

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CBC Mental Health Special w/ Steven Page

Guest host, celebrated Canadian musician Steven Page, discusses with the Canadian Broadcasting Company about mental health, and his experiences with depression & manic episodes.  The project, Live Right Now, is an attempt by CBC to get Canadians to lead healthier lives.

The talks, which can be found on their original page, are linked here, and are popup windows.

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Students for Mental Wellness Social

The Students for Mental Wellness (SFMW) would like to invite all of MHAC’s members to a social on January 22nd.  There is a cap of 20 people, and there will be a potluck from 6pm – 12am.  Please bring your own drinks.

Please RSVP by emailing Brent, the President of SIMW, at brents@sfmw.ca

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January Speaker Series

Join the UBC Mental Health Awareness Club on the first Wednesday of every month for a pot-luck and listen to a guest speaker. MHAC have been busy recruiting professionals who work with individuals with a mental illness or consumers to provide an educational discussion for our members. We invite you to come to the monthly educational session and potluck and learn about different topics related to mental health and wellness.

Have you ever wonder what life is living with a mental illness?  To make things even more complicated, what about living in Downtown Eastside with a mental illness? Stephen Epp, an occupational therapist works at the Strathcona Mental Health Team in Vancouver, will be providing a talk on Trauma and Resilience.  In his talk, he will give us a good understanding on life with mental illness and how we can help to facilitate recovery.

Join us on Wednesday, January 5th at 4 pm, at Lab 1&2 / Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; 3rd floor of the UBC Hospital.   There will be signs once you get to third floor using the elevators close by to Student Health Services on the Main floor.

As the session will be beginning at 4 pm, we will have the pot-luck after the talk. Come and join us even if you have to come in a bit late.  RSVP by sending us an email at ubcmhac@gmail.com.

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