Join the UBC Mental Health Awareness Club on the first Wednesday of every month for a pot-luck and listen to a guest speaker. MHAC have been busy recruiting professionals who work with individuals with a mental illness or consumers to provide an educational discussion for our members. We invite you to come to the monthly educational session and potluck and learn about different topics related to mental health and wellness.
Have you ever wonder what life is living with a mental illness? To make things even more complicated, what about living in Downtown Eastside with a mental illness? Stephen Epp, an occupational therapist works at the Strathcona Mental Health Team in Vancouver, will be providing a talk on Trauma and Resilience. In his talk, he will give us a good understanding on life with mental illness and how we can help to facilitate recovery.
Join us on Wednesday, January 5th at 4 pm, at Lab 1&2 / Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; 3rd floor of the UBC Hospital. There will be signs once you get to third floor using the elevators close by to Student Health Services on the Main floor.
As the session will be beginning at 4 pm, we will have the pot-luck after the talk. Come and join us even if you have to come in a bit late. RSVP by sending us an email at ubcmhac@gmail.com.