UBC Mental Illness Awareness Week RSVP (Oct. 4th – 7th)

From October 4th to the 7th, UBC MHAC is collaborating with various organizations and individuals to bring you a number of events. More details after the jump – but as part of our endeavours, we require an estimate of the number of attendees. If you know you are attending, or are interested in attending any of our events on this date, please fill out the following form. Also, if you’re interested, but you haven’t joined our mailing list, note your email address, and we’ll add you to our newsletter!


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Imagine Day Recap

Imagine Day was a success for us here at UBC MHAC!

Not only were we able to finally step out for the first time as an official UBC AMS club, we were able to pre-register a number of interested individuals, ranging from a variety of disciplines and ages: first-years to graduate students, Commerce to Science to Human Kinetics!  If you’re still interested in UBC MHAC, but didn’t get a chance to pre-register on our mailing list, send us an email at ubcmhac[at]gmail.com, with subject Interested In MHAC.

Thank you to everyone who showed up & signed up!  We can’t wait to let you see what we have in store!

We also received a visit from some surprising guests!  Check back this week to see who!

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Imagine Day!

First off, welcome to UBC MHAC, the Mental Health Awareness Club of UBC!

Only a year young, UBC MHAC is dedicated to helping de-stimagtize mental illness, and spreading awareness about mental health issues to the greater UBC community.  On that note, we became an official club, after being approved by the Alma Mater Society.

Find us on Imagine Day this coming Tuesday, September 7th!  We’ll be located in the Services & Volunteer section, besides Student Services. We’ll be a few booths down from the Bouncy Castle, and from the other direction, the same distance away from the Root Beer Float.

Visit us!  We’ll see you there!

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