Good Sleep Hygeine

With midterms in full swing, it can be hard to let yourself get a good night’s sleep; especially if you feel like you don’t deserve it because you haven’t done enough studying for the night. But a good night’s sleep can be just as important as studying itself. Our bodies run on a 24-hour schedule via our circadian clock, and ruining your sleep cycle by pulling all-nighters can negatively affect you. If you find that you are having trouble falling asleep, here are some suggestions that you can try:

  • “Power down”  before you sleep, so no scrolling through Instagram on your phone and no playing Candy Crush Saga on your iPad 60 minutes before you plan to sleep
  • Avoid taking naps in the middle of your day, they seriously interfere with your nightly sleep
  • Reduce the amount of fluids you drink a couple of hours before you plan to sleep – having to get up and go to the washroom just as you get comfy in bed is no fun. An exception to this is milk; it contains Tryptophan, which studies suggest helps people fall asleep


You can find some more tips here:

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